Kindness Ambassadors
Below is a list of people who have committed and who have signed up to be a Kindness Ambassador. Below their names are some of the stories they have shared with us. #100daysofintetnionakindess
Meyon Lawson-Aikens, Wanessa Alves, Mary Amore, Wendy Birch Bakkum, JD Ball, Amy Barefoot, Abby Beck, Jayne Beck, Kristin Behmer, Amy Biancheri, Allison Bielski, Barbara Bitar, Kim Kaase Bors, Patricia Brock, Dr. Patricia Burkhart, Rita Byrne, Carole Burrows, Linda Callahan, Kathy Campbell, Tom Carroll, Mimi Chemasko, Debbie Chroust, Kelli Clayton, Susan Clingen, Julie Savino Colella, Cherie Price Coleman, Denise Craney, Ben Curcio, Dionne Curcio, Amy Bohac-Datz, Victoria Delaney, Gigi DePascale, Tricia DePasquale, Salwa-Rahim Dillard, Fran Donovan, Barb Douglas, Jane Doty, Sherri Dublin, Erica Epperson, Polly Ernzen, Aledia Evans, Joan Evanson, Rebecca Falconer, Carrie Fisher, Laurel Flinn, Kelley Flinn, Kathy Freedlund, Michelle Fritz, Stephen Cornjeo Garcia, George Gladis, Dan Gerger, Erica Guminey, Diana Hashaw, Mike Hanrahan, Barb Heider, Tina Heidrich, Suzanne Heronemus, Karen Hollis, Cheryl Hudson, Courtney Jankowski, Cindy Marie Judy, Susan Kendall, Marie Krolikowski, Cheryl Kuba, Christopher Kuhl, Diane LaVoy, Mary Faut-LeBeau, Susan Leigh, Cesar Lostaunau, Gail Ludwig, Cynthia Mannucci, Wendi McAnn, Evelyn McClain, Jill McCall, Britta McKenna, Cindy Miller, Trish Miller, Sonja Moore, Joan Mull, Rovena Mullaj, Linda Muni, Carol Murray, Margaret Naughton, Alison Niemala, Lori Nieman, Virginia Nigro, Livi Nguyen, Michelle Norton, Melissa Noyes, Julianne O'Brien, Maureen O'Brien, Rose O'Brien, Mart O'Connor, Meredith Ogburn, Anne O'Neill, Dana Parker, Laurie Parker, Suzy Petkus, Nan Phillips, Ann Poe, Susan May Romano, Anne Rodi, Debbie Rosso, Laura Smith-Sackett, Cathy Sauter, Dan Scheussler, Andrew Schmidt, Deanna Shoss, Clio Silman, Loralie Snyder, Sarah Sommer, Carrie Spaeth, Sue Spicer, Fran Stillwagner, Sarah Goodman-Stobl, Julanne Sullivan, Andy Swindler, Karlene Toren, Lynn TheissNelly Venicia, Katie Vernal, Karen Vernal, Karin Curnock-Vilmen, Jerilyn Wagner, Marci Watts, Dixie Webb, Tricia Wise
... and we're still waiting for YOU!
Cesar Lostaunau: Kicked off this campaign by going the extra mile for my neighbors with shoveling during the recent winter storm in the Chicago area. While I typically just my area, as I live into this 'assignment,' I proactively helped my neighbors on both sides by shoveling their area as well. While it took me longer than expected to do this, I felt really good about doing it. Heck, in the end, I also came out ahead with extra fit bit steps, and that was helpful since I've been slacking at the gym! As I was out today, my neighbors were very appreciative, and went out of their way to recognize me. That felt AWESOME!!!
Laurel Flinn: As we were heading to our boat at the local marina, my husband and I stopped the young man in charge of the boats to let him know what a great job he is doing. We told him that we spread the word of his great service and of our appreciation. He was SHOCKED at our praises because they are so rare.
Marie Krolikowski: Delivering two boxes of Harners cookes to my dad's nursing home today. One box for the day nursing staff, one for the night staff!
Sharon Sifnotis: Shoveling for the elderly. A random act of kindness and GOOD exercise!
Jayne Beck: Because I have stage 4 lymphoma, I am spending lots of time with wonderful healthcare workers. Their medical network has an employee program for patients to recognize above and beyond care. Today, I submitted nomination forms for two nurses who not only gave me excellent medical care but also focused on my mental outlook. They were so uplifting and found ways to significantly improve my positivity.
Britta McKenna: I wrote a card back to my cousin's special needs daughter (20 years old), who is hoping to start her own business, Lean's Doll Hospital. She LOVES dolls and has her own doll Instagram page, where her many American Girl Dolls go on adventures together.
Nan Phillips: When shopping at Aldi, I make a point of delivering my cart to an incoming shopper still in the parking lot or when approaching the cart return. It's amazing how the gift of a QUARTER always brightens someone's day--and my own as well! Kindness works!!
Cindy Miller: My husband bought a new chair to go in his new office at home, and it didn't work quite right - so I gave him my plush executive chair so he could have one less thing to stress about while starting a new job. It may not be much be he appreciated it! #100daysofinentionalkindness
Sarah Goodman Strobl: We have 540 children in our foster care system here in central Florida. The pre-k thru teenage children often get overlooked and forgotten about on Valentine's Day. My mom and I purchased special Valentine's Day cards for the children and wrote a personalized note in each one hoping to inspire them and let them know that they really do matter.
Mart O'Connor: Today I was able to bring a ray of sunshine to a fellow Rotarian who has been having some struggles with his health. I prepared one of our family's favorite dishes and provided Jim with a home cooked meal and we had a nice socially distant visit. It was such a treat to see him! While preparing dinner for Jim I decided to make a double batch of everything and surprise another family who is going through the roller coaster journey of cancer treatments. It's such a gift to be able to be able to lighten the load for dear friends.
Julane Sullivan: The woman who took my blood at the donation center liked my I made one for her...and a few others... dropping them off today.
Karen Hollis: I made homemade cut out cookies for a friend who is struggling Comforting and yummy .
Karen Curnock Vilmin: Every Tuesday when I drive through DD I always get the persons bill that is behind me. I wish I could do it every day but my budget doesn't allow. So Tuesday it is.
Britta McKenna: Day Six: Yesterday's Act was inspired by profound love and grief of losing a spouse. Not mine, but a former coach of mine who lost his wife on March 1, 2020 after 3 1/2 years of Stage 4 ovarian cancer. Then COVID hit and they were unable to hold the two memorial services scheduled. So it became grief on hold for my former coach. This timing is like so many COVID deaths, which is nearing half million people who have families left behind grieving in private. So sad. So very sad with little opportunity to connect to others for comfort and to grieve openly in community. That's when this intentional mindset was ignited. I asked my coach if he would Zoom with a group of former swimmers and his "yes" allowed me to contact many former swimmers to be present to him. 16 of us held coach close for 90 minutes yesterday. In the kind of community of hard work, respect and team we shared in our adolescence. 40 plus years apart dissolved as we laughed, remembered and consoled coach to remind him of his impact on our lives. And yes, we'll do it again because all it took was a dose of intention. Who is someone in your life that could use an emotional boost? Be. Intentional. is waiting.
Marie Krolikowski: My son was the person who did this act, but I initiated it. We were in the grocery store yesterday checking out, and the woman in front of us was using the electric shopping cart. She had a lot of groceries and was trying to unload while sitting. I said to me son, someone needs to help her. He went around and unloaded all her groceries onto the belt for her. She was very appreciative. Let me add she was decked out in Chiefs attire. Go Chiefs!
Mary Monaghan: I temporarily live out in the country in WA. I have two neighbors that I have become close to and cherish their friendship. They are very loving and kind. They live their days showing intentional kindness. I think that through their kindness I have grown as far as helping others, having empathy and compassion. How wonderful
Cindy Judy: While checking out at the grocery store, I put my cart full of things on the belt when a guy came up behind me that looked like he just got off work and was in a hurry. I noticed he only had a few things and said he could go ahead of me. He said no but I insisted. The cashier started scanning my things and I said please add his items to my bill, he reluctantly said okay then tried to hand me $20. I said Pass the Kindness on when he said he could now buy his wife her favorite ice cream to add to her surprise birthday dinner he was making for her.
I know I received more Kindness that day from him and with teary eyes I said a prayer of thanksgiving for being in the right place at the right time.